I am passionate about physiotherapy and personal training

based in Berlin.
June shows an exercise
Juni facing the camera

Get to know me!

As a physiotherapist and personal trainer, my approach to rehabilitation combines a variety of therapy techniques to create an individualized treatment plan for each of my patients. In my approach I combine training therapy, neuromuscular therapy, evidence-based therapy, and hands-on techniques from manual therapy and Neurokinetic Therapy.

I am dedicated to educate and advise my patients on how to manage their condition and maintain their progress outside of therapy sessions. I believe in empowering my patients to take an active role in their own recovery, which is why I provide them with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve long-term success.

My ultimate goal is to help my patients improve their movement and function, reduce pain and prevent further injury.

Take an active role in your rehabilitation process!

While I do have experience with manual therapy, trigger point therapy, and neurokinetic therapy, I believe in using these techniques only when necessary. Instead, my primary focus is on providing specific exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, and overall physical function. By taking an active role in their own rehabilitation process, my patients are able to achieve their goals and maintain their progress long after their therapy sessions have ended.

Book a 30 minute call with me for free for your first assessment. No strings attached.

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Move better, feel better, unlock your bodies full potential.

I make a therapeutic assessment with focus on your medical background and movement patterns.
You tell me all about your condition, pain, restrictions.
Together we define your goals and work towards them.

My goal is to educate on managing your pain, moving accordantly to your condition and unlock movements you thought you were not able to do. I want you to feel empowered, I want you to feel excited about moving your body rather than restricting movements for no anatomical reason.

Let’s find a sustainable way to feel good and move pain free.
Let’s find a solution that doesn’t depend on other people „fixing you“, no quick fixes.

Build strength, mobility and endurance.

You want to learn how to move your body dynamically to feel healthy and strong? You need someone to push yourself and keep track of you achieving your goals?

My Personal Training is based on biomechanics and a therapeutic view on how the body is supposed to move naturally. I teach my clients to understand basic movements that are important for preventing pain, injuries and movement restrictions. Additionally my training includes compound and small movements to make sure you’re moving in ways that are more than the average fitness exercises. I will make sure your training leads to your goal, whether it’s building strength, reducing pain, preventing injuries, getting or maintaining fit. No limitations, move in ways that are actually functional and based on biomechanics and the human anatomy.

Be safe, get strong. Get back to where you where.

You are pregnant and not sure how to move your body? You want to maintain your strength and train in safe and beneficial way? You deal with any of the following issues: back pain, pelvic girdle pain, ischiadic pain, breathing problems, pelvic floor issues? You’re body needs a lot more movement and support in building strength than most people know. My goal is it to show you how much you’re actually allowed to move to feel good and reduce or prevent pregnancy related pain.

You just had a baby and want to get back to feeling strong and pain free? You deal with any of the following issues: back pain, hypertonic or hypotonic pelvic floor, incontinence, diastasis recti? Get a professional exam to see what we can do to get you back to feeling your best self. You can do so much more than the average postnatal exercises to get quick results.

Get trained on a Megaformer for fast and effective results.

What is Lagree?
You train on the Megaformer, which is a machine that allows you target any muscles and train in multidiverse ways. The Lagree Training Method is a high intensity training that is based on slow and controlled movements that will help you build strength, endurance and mobility all at once.

You will get fast and effective results while focusing on maximal stability in your core and dynamic movements patterns. The Lagree Method not only focuses on compound movements, but also on small and controlled ones.

Lagree and Physiotherapy
After our medical assessment, I will design a training for you which is beneficial for your bodies individual needs. It will incorporate multidimensional movement patterns that are important for your body and you to feel good.

Lagree and Pregnancy
I will show you how you move in safe way that is beneficial for you and your baby while building strength and endurance. Your training will be designed for your specific needs and in context of your medical assessment I made beforehand.

Our 1:1 Session takes place at Framework Berlin in Kreuzberg. For more infos:  www.frameworkberlin.com.

Book now a 1:1 session


I hold a Bachelor of Science and have completed the certification exam to become a licensed physiotherapist. I am also a certified Lagree Trainer.


I use hands-on techniques like Manual Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Neurokinetic Therapy, as well as Medical Training Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy and evidence-based therapy.


I specialized in Medical Training Therapy, pregnancy related problem, postnatal recovery and personal training based on the Lagree Training Method.


I offer to train you at home, at the office, your gym or outside. If you are on a time crunch, you’re not able or don’t want to come to my studio, I can come meet you wherever you want.

Online Training

I consult and/or train clients online, if there are not based in Berlin or prefer it this way. I offer follow-up sessions where I check form, change training plans if necessary and make sure my clients are on the right track.

Interested in learning more?

Follow me on instagram @movementexplained, where i post educational videos and inform you about latest studies about the human body and more.

Happy to meet you!

Use the contact form or send me an email to get in touch. We will schedule a free 30 minute call and we can talk about how we further proceed. Feel free to contact me in english or german.

E-Mail: info@juni-rosinski.de
Framework Berlin
‍Ritterstrasse 12-14
10969 Berlin
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